Jewish American
Prayer at Camptown Several young men leading prayer at Camptown at Center Grove
JCC / YMHA Basketball Team Easton JCC basketball team, picturing Harry Rosenburg, William "Bill" Sigal, Samuel "Sam" Saidel, Richard "Dick" Richards
YMHA Baseball Team Front Row: mascot, David Cohen, Phil Barron, Doc Oren, Ben Cohen, Fred Krash, Len Frankel. Second Row: Danny Ash, Pat Antman, Morry Mermelstein (Helaine Sigal's father), Gus Hollander, Joel Dintenfass, Sam Eckhaus, Al Sher
Jack and Ruth Sher 50th anniversary celebration of the Jewish Community Center, picturing Jack and Ruth Sher
Jack Sher and Portrait 50th anniversary celebration of the Jewish Community Center, picturing Jack Sher receiving portrait
Jack and Ruth Sher with Friends 50th anniversary celebration of the Jewish Community Center, picturing Dr. David Feinberg, Ruth Sher, Jack Sher, and Ruth Menkel
JCC / YMHA Children Children from the Jewish Community Center/Young Men's Hebrew Association (JCC/YMHA)
Helaine Sigal's Confirmation Class Helaine Sigal's confirmation class, picturing Morris Siegel, David Gordon, Joey Grohlman, Stan Schiffer, Elaine Berman, Elayne Fishman, Richard Fisher, Arnold "Arnie" Hollander, Eileen Rosenbloom, Stuart Hochman, Eileen Green, Samuel Saidel, Martin Miller, Leonard Kohn, Martin Phillips, Harry Rosenberg, Herbert Cohen, Marilyn Rosenfeld, Judith "Judy" Cohen, Sharon Kelsey, Gwen Neiditch, Helaine Sigal Mermelstein, and Iris Frankel
Easton Memories Presentation on the Easton Jewish community given by Mel Snyder
Camptown Postcard Postcard of Center Grove in Williams Township, where the Jewish Community Center (JCC) held Camptown every summer
William "Bill" Sigal's Confirmation William "Bill" Sigal's confirmation, with Rabbi Joshua Trachtenberg, Marianne Tuft, and Donald Scarl
B'Nai Abraham Synagogue Program Helaine (Mermelstein) Sigal's Confirmation of 1951 program from B'Nai Abraham Synagogue
YMHA Volleyball Team Young Men's Hebrew Association (YMHA) volleyball team members, picturing Doc Kaine, Phil Barron, Gus Hollander, Harry Gesoff, Pat Antman, Morry Mermelstein, Jacob Frankel, Sam Eckhaus, and Doc Oren