NAACP Leader to Run for City Council
NAACP Honors Life of Civil Rights Leader Bio and tribute to the life and legacy of the late Bethlehem activist, Rev. R. Wakefield Roberts.
Robeson Speaks at NAACP Banquet Copy of short newspaper article and image featuring Paul Robeson, Earl Keyser (President of NAACP, Easton Chapter), Rev. Thomas A. Doar (Assistant Rector, Holy Infancy Church), Edward Prime (Program Chairman), Rev. John E. Hurl (Pastor, St. John's AME Church), and Joseph Long (City Controller and representative for Mayor Pfeifle). Article also contains Esther M. Lee's personal handwritten notes.
Lehigh University Letter Letter from Alice P. Gast, President of Lehigh University, to Esther M. Lee, President of Bethlehem NAACP, responding to concerns regarding Lehigh University's decision to hold classes on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Constance L. Roberts Gates Letter Personal letter from Constance L. Roberts Gates to Esther M. Lee, including envelope and insert of a copy of a 11-Feb-1972 Bethlehem Globe Times article written by Constance L. Roberts (Gates).
Candidacy Letter Letter and press release written by Esther M. Lee announcing her decision to run for election to the 135th District's State Representative in the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives.
Esther Lee and J.F. Goodwin Portrait Esther M. Lee and unknown man receive portrait of J.F. Goodwin at the annual J.F. Goodwin Scholarship Fund Founders Observance (front). Phrase "J.F. Goodwin Scholarship Fund Foundation Observance" written in ink (back).
Sunday School Students Second Baptist Church Sunday School students; Esther M. Lee is pictured in the third row, center wearing a light-colored hat and glancing sideways.
Lane Family Dinner Party Uncle Walter and wife, Aunt Elyse Lane, host a dinner party for family and friends.
Three Women Having Fun Three unknown women have fun by the water on a sunny day.
William Lee and Classmates at Lincoln University William (Bill) Lee (left) and two classmates posing on campus at Lincoln University